TiLDA MK4/Run Code

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Through the REPL

  • Todo: Please write how to do that on different operating systems
  • todo: how to use a REPL

Important: once connected to the serial port, you'll only see output the badge sends (usually none). Hit Ctrl+C to exit from the current process and get back the REPL.


Identify serial device

The serial device should be a COM port that only shows when you plug the badge in, e.g. COM4:

  1. Open Computer Management (compmgmt.msc)
  2. Navigate to Device Manager
  3. Expand Ports (COM & LPT)

Alternatively in PowerShell:

Get-WMIObject Win32_SerialPort | select DeviceID,Description

Connect to identified device

Open PuTTY, enter the COM port found above, e.g. COM4, select Serial, and click Open.

Alternatively in WSL:

sudo screen /dev/ttyS{n}

where {n} is the numeric part of the COM port (e.g. /dev/ttyS4 for COM4). Use Ctrl+A, D to disconnect.

Use the "mass storage" app

  • Only works on OSX at present (2nd Sept 2018)
  • easy to do
  • make sure to safely eject every time
  • has a tendency to corrupt the filesystem - link to reset instructions
  • hard to debug errors
  • todo: add more information

Use Mk4-Apps tilda_tools

  • Probably most convenient, but a bit more involved:
  • You can use "./tilda_tools run <file.py>" to run code without copying anything, but if you want to make sure you have all your libraries updated use "./tilda_tools app my_app" instead.
  • https://badge.emfcamp.org/wiki/TiLDA_MK4/tilda-tools